Get Involved
Become a Member: Are you a domestic worker, house cleaner, nanny, child care worker, or elder care worker? Come join DWU! To join our organization, come to our next New Member meeting. Email us at DWUNewYork@gmail.com or call our office at 718-622-1260 to RSVP to attend, or for more information.
Monthly Meeting
Third Saturdays of the month
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm EST
Sign up for our newsletter: Stay up-to-date on DWU’s activities, campaigns, and progress! Sign up for our newsletter by sending us your name and email address here.
Partner with DWU: DWU partners with a wide variety of community groups, worker groups, cultural institutions, and arts and educational institutions. If you’re interested in working with us, call our office at 718-622-1260 or email Christine Lewis at DWUNewYork@gmail.com.
Volunteer: Want to support our movement? Send a letter of interest sharing your skills and what you hope to contribute to DWUNewYork@gmail.com.